Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Introduction to Formal Logic

Course Description: This is a 6-week course.
The emphasis on feelings and de-emphasis on proper, logical thinking has left many Americans prey to advertisers and demagogues. A training in logic can help a reader or listener see the truth and falsehood of statements made on the editorial page or on talk radio shows, so he can make proper judgments about important matters. This six-week course establishes the rudiments of formal logic—the construction and detection of valid syllogism and formal and informal fallacies. The emphasis will be on examples taken from popular media. This course is for 9th through 12th grades.
~~This course will take all of the first quarter~~
6 x 6 = 36 / 4 days a week = 9 weeks

Week 1: Chapters 1-3
  1. Listen
  2. Listen
  3. Listen
  4. Do homework
  5. Do homework
  6. Option or Catchup
Week 2: Chapter 4

  1. Listen
  2. Listen
  3. Listen
  4. Listen
  5. Do homework
  6. Option
Week 3: Chapters 5-6
  1. Listen
  2. Listen
  3. Listen
  4. Listen
  5. Do homework
  6. Option

Week 4 -- chapter 7

  1. Listen
  2. Listen
  3. Listen
  4. Listen
  5. Do homework
  6. Option

Week 5 -- chapters 8-9

  1. Listen
  2. Listen
  3. Listen
  4. Listen
  5. Do homework
  6. Option

Week 6 -- no homework

  1. Listen
  2. Listen
  3. Listen
  4. Listen
  5. Do homework
  6. Option

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